Summer in the City

Signs of summer in New York are here.  For one, I planned this week's outfits while dipping my toes in my apartment building's pool.  The more annoying and unavoidable sign of summer is showing up to work a wilted, melty, sweaty mess with your clothes sticking to you.  Once you dry out and try to make yourself presentable again, you shiver in freezing office AC the rest of the day. Repeat until September. 

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My favorite pencil skirt

Every woman should have a pencil skirt in their closet. With the right fit, a pencil skirt can flatter any figure. In a past career, I met with potential clients frequently, so I wore a lot of pencil skirts in black or shades of grey paired with a crisp button down. Boring. Since then I've pushed the pencil skirt beyond the business suit scenario to really own it and feel confident. 

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